Gràfiques Cuscó - Imprenta Offset Barcelona





Where can I find samples of your work?

We create all kind of products for many companies all over Europe. In order to have an idea of what we can do, feel free to contact us, and one of our technical advisors will guide you to get what you need.


Where are you located?

We are located 6km from Barcelona City Centre, at Sant Adriá del Besós. You can take the metro Line 2 (Verneda Stop) or you can come by car taking Ronda Litoral.


What are you opening hours?

We are open from Monday to Friday, from 8h30m to 13h30m and from 15h30m to 18h30m


How can I create a PDF file?

For Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop: Go to “File, Save as, PDF Type. For Adobe Indesign: Go to “File, Export”. When opening PDF options, you should use the predefined adjustments.
In Standard mode, select “PDF/X-1a”. This specification is already an ISO Standard and includes many parameters needed for printing.


¿Which file format do you accept?

In order to print we need PDF files. A good job in printing starts before the Offset start-up. The quality of the previous preprinting work helps when the quality of the finished products is very high.


How can I upload a logo, image or file?

We have our own File Transfer Protocol (FTP) in order to send us your file in a fast and easy way.


Which is the required resolution for my pdf file?

We recommend to send as PDF with files of at least 300dpi at 100% of final size.


What do I have to take into account when creating the PDF file?

The minimum margin should be at least 3mm. This will help us on those images and colours that reach the limit of the paper.
Printing marks should be at least at 5mm from the cutting line.